Monday, June 23, 2014

I Don't Know What I Think About This...

So....... I have this mascara that I've been using every day for about a month and I can't decide if I love it or if it's just meh. This is it:

It is the Maybelline Great Lash mascara and the color is Brownish- Black.

Now first of all, I know I love the color if the tube. Pink is my favorite color and that's what made me buy it in the first place.

The other good thing about the mascara is the actual applicator brush. It is just the right size (for my eyes at least) and I haven't had a problem with it at all.

There really is only one drawback about this but it's a big one. Once I put the actual mascara on my eyelashes I can't close my eyes or open them all the way until the liquid dries. If I don't keep my eyelids halfway open then I get black lines of masacara on my face that are very hard to scrub off. My mom says that I really shouldn't be complaining that my eyelashes are so long that they touch my face when my eyes are open but it is a real problem for those afflicted. A first world problem, but still a problem none the less.

Now I want to know what you think. I probably should stick with this one until it runs out, but I'm probably going to get different ones when I go back to the store. Should I review the new ones I buy? Let me know!
                                                                                                                  XOXO Avery

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