Thursday, June 12, 2014

One of My Favorites

My favorite website of all time has got to be Pinterest and I think I may have a problem. I go on every day and right now have 1,280 pins, 854 likes, and 18 different boards. Sure there may be people that have more pins or likes or boards than I do but I  still have a lot. At least I think I have a lot.

My best friend is also sort of  addicted to Pinterest. That's one of the signs of true friendship. We both waste our time on websites instead of doing something productive. However, being on Pinterest is doing something productive. How else would I know that a crayon will burn for 30 minutes or that putting teabags in shoes will take away their stink.

Without Pinterest how would I have found these amazing tidbits:

If you want to check out my Pinterest page here you go:
                                                                                                             XOXO Avery

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