Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is this...

Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what this will be. I got the idea to start writing this blog when I was driving to Walmart with my mom. Yes, Walmart. We were talking about an outfit for me to wear to a friend's brother's wedding. When she asked me what "look" I was going for I didn't really have an answer. All I said was: "I want to look classy, not tacky." And that just kind of stuck with me over the next few months. I mean, I made a little rhyme-y saying that was silly and made sense and was good advice. Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT! <---my friend says that all the time so I thought I'd throw it in there.

So basically this blog will be about my personal opinion about things from people being tacky to people being classy, from beauty product reviews to me ranting about something that happened at school, or even silly events that happen to me to something random I found online. You'll never know what I'll write about next. I don't even what I'll write about next.

But I do know there will be grammar and spelling mistakes because I am the world's worst speller. I do know that not everyone will care about what I chose to write about each time I do post. I do know that I will try and be a little bit humorous but don't hold me to that. And I do know that I like to write and I don't get to do that very often other than this blog. So if anyone got this far, thank you and well done. I give you a gold star. Not literally, but it's the thought that counts, right? Well I've been ending this for way to long so...

                                                                                                                        XOXO Avery

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