Monday, June 23, 2014

I Don't Know What I Think About This...

So....... I have this mascara that I've been using every day for about a month and I can't decide if I love it or if it's just meh. This is it:

It is the Maybelline Great Lash mascara and the color is Brownish- Black.

Now first of all, I know I love the color if the tube. Pink is my favorite color and that's what made me buy it in the first place.

The other good thing about the mascara is the actual applicator brush. It is just the right size (for my eyes at least) and I haven't had a problem with it at all.

There really is only one drawback about this but it's a big one. Once I put the actual mascara on my eyelashes I can't close my eyes or open them all the way until the liquid dries. If I don't keep my eyelids halfway open then I get black lines of masacara on my face that are very hard to scrub off. My mom says that I really shouldn't be complaining that my eyelashes are so long that they touch my face when my eyes are open but it is a real problem for those afflicted. A first world problem, but still a problem none the less.

Now I want to know what you think. I probably should stick with this one until it runs out, but I'm probably going to get different ones when I go back to the store. Should I review the new ones I buy? Let me know!
                                                                                                                  XOXO Avery

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Being a Camp Leader

So as a high schooler who doesn't have a job, I'm  stuck with the task of being a camp leader for a myriad of many different camps. Well... really only two types of camps but the same two multiple times.

Last week, I helped the owner of my dance studio with her 3-4 year-old dance camp. This involves dancing with small children, playing with small children, and cleaning up water spilled by... you guessed it... small children. I have to clean up at least three spilled drinks during a 15 minutes snack time. Although, by the end of the week, I know which child will spill their drink, because it is always the same ones who spill their drink every day. By Friday, I just stand behind them with a roll of paper towels ready to swoop in when the inevitable happens.

This week I'm a "crew leader" at my church's VBS camp. I don't have to deal with 3-4 year-olds though so that's a plus. I'm a leader of 1st and 2nd graders and they are pretty fun. I talked about Minecraft with one kid, sang "Let It Go" with another kid, and had a water fight with... you guessed it... some more kids. They say the funniest things also. For example, we were going into drama time and we were told that the bible story being covered was about when Jesus heeled the lepers. One of the kids didn't hear the story correctly and whispered in my ear:"Jesus killed the leopards?!"

I have many more dance camps that I'm helping with this summer and I'll probably get roped into helping with others. Even though it probably doesn't seem like I don't like kids, I do. I've been around small kids my whole life and since I want to become an elementary school teacher I'll be around them for even longer.
                                                                                                            XOXO Avery

Thursday, June 12, 2014

One of My Favorites

My favorite website of all time has got to be Pinterest and I think I may have a problem. I go on every day and right now have 1,280 pins, 854 likes, and 18 different boards. Sure there may be people that have more pins or likes or boards than I do but I  still have a lot. At least I think I have a lot.

My best friend is also sort of  addicted to Pinterest. That's one of the signs of true friendship. We both waste our time on websites instead of doing something productive. However, being on Pinterest is doing something productive. How else would I know that a crayon will burn for 30 minutes or that putting teabags in shoes will take away their stink.

Without Pinterest how would I have found these amazing tidbits:

If you want to check out my Pinterest page here you go:
                                                                                                             XOXO Avery

Friday, June 6, 2014

Last Day of School!!!!!

I'm so excited! Today was the last day of school, although the last real day was Monday. Since Monday we have just been watching movies and playing Scrabble. For some reason teachers really like Scrabble. That's because it is the most educational board game that they could get their hands on. It's also the most boring game they could get their hands on.

It's so disappointing when your teacher says: "We are playing board games today! Your choices are Checkers and Scrabble." Of course people always get Checkers before I can so I'm stuck playing Scrabble. However Scrabble is better than classwork.

As excited as I am for summer, I don't get to enjoy it quite yet. My mom signed me up to take the ACT tomorrow! TOMORROW! The day after school got out! I was so sad when I found out. But enough of my issues, I want to know what you have to say. What is your favorite thing about summer? Comment below and have a great beginning of summer!
                                                                                                                          XOXO Avery

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is this...

Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what this will be. I got the idea to start writing this blog when I was driving to Walmart with my mom. Yes, Walmart. We were talking about an outfit for me to wear to a friend's brother's wedding. When she asked me what "look" I was going for I didn't really have an answer. All I said was: "I want to look classy, not tacky." And that just kind of stuck with me over the next few months. I mean, I made a little rhyme-y saying that was silly and made sense and was good advice. Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT! <---my friend says that all the time so I thought I'd throw it in there.

So basically this blog will be about my personal opinion about things from people being tacky to people being classy, from beauty product reviews to me ranting about something that happened at school, or even silly events that happen to me to something random I found online. You'll never know what I'll write about next. I don't even what I'll write about next.

But I do know there will be grammar and spelling mistakes because I am the world's worst speller. I do know that not everyone will care about what I chose to write about each time I do post. I do know that I will try and be a little bit humorous but don't hold me to that. And I do know that I like to write and I don't get to do that very often other than this blog. So if anyone got this far, thank you and well done. I give you a gold star. Not literally, but it's the thought that counts, right? Well I've been ending this for way to long so...

                                                                                                                        XOXO Avery